Friday, June 29, 2007

Love thy neighbour as you love thy self.

Is it to hard to love a neighbour? Today we read a lot of stories, neighbours killing each other. A neighbour kidnapping and killing a child. I'm not that old, but in my childhood I had lots of brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers all over the street. A neighbour will send me to the shops and I would go happily. What kind of a soceity did we become?

We all complain about crime, the ministry of safety and security must put more police on the street. Will we have enough police to put in each household. Earlier this year there was a family that was massacred by a relative. Will police protect us against our own family members?

Another kid, stuff this another kid. It was Anasticia, Sheldean, Mikayla now Sonia Brown. What did this little girls do. This is just a few mention, there are a a lot of cases that are not covered by the media. Families must be vigilant and protect their kids at all costs. The victims here are poor people.

We are facing a societal decay and when that reaches satuaration, we will all be wiped out by our own brothers and sisters. It's not only about murder; theft, abuse and a whole lot of crimes that we support in our backyards. "Ntwana ya nextdoor e buyisa titeki ta Puma cheap" Does he own a Puma factory shop? Yes we are poor, but we cannot afford to lose our boys over this illigal businesses.

Heist specialists are heroes in their townships, because they can buy everyone a beer. That hero removed a father from one or two household. Is he still a hero?

We are the only ones left, lets protect and defend ourselves.

Jesus puts it simple; Love thy a neibour as ye love thyself.

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