Thursday, September 27, 2007

What's in a name?

I have two rare great names, even if I have to say that myself. Katekani Ivan. Well I read somewhere that Ivan means gracious gift from GOD. People usually pronounce it Irvin, that's not my name. My favourate name KATEKANI, from Xitsonga kateka means be blessed and -ni is a plural suffix. Katekani means be blessed, everytime one pronounce my name is actually proclaiming blessings for self and others. Other names related: Nkateko= blessing, Mikateko/Mkateko= blesings , Katekile= blessed. and Katekisa= bless. Takalani is Venda, it means be happy, in Xitsonga is Tsakani both this names may rhyme with Katekani, but are not the same.

Most times I have to repeat myself after each introduction, no problem I'm proclaiming blessings twice. What makes me angry is when people ask for a second name or a nickname that is easy to remember. Ever since I started working I'm known as Katekani and even the Afrikaaners remember my name. They can also pronounce it right. I have collected a lot of shortcuts/nicknames derived from my beautiful name. To mention a few: KK, Kay, Kaka, Katza and Skatz.

My name is Katekani, can I please be called by my name.

Hi khensile, Katekani hinkwenu( Thank you may you all be blessed)

1 comment:

Butterfly said...

So you don't like being called KK?? Ok, it's Katekani from now on.