Monday, September 17, 2007

Return to GOD

It is so sad about all the news we hear everyday, our kids killing and raping each other. Countless number of fatal accidents, HIV-Aids, Jails getting full, what nonsense is that? What kind of a country have we achieved? We can't build enough schools, Churches, recreational centers and other positive institutions we need in our socities. All the budget goes to Police, Social grants, prisons, hospitals , replacing a cable that was stolen for copper. Individually we spend a lot of money replacing cellphones, cars some furniture that was stolen by the child next door.

Lets face it we are living in turmoil. There is nothing we can do, if we do not return to the creator. I am in engineering: maintenance if all else fails in my department you go to the product own, someone from Research and Development(R&D). We all know that we were created by God, therefore God He is the product(human beings) owner. We can only get it right if we return to GOD. We need to do good as individuals, and also realise that without The Creator there is nowhere we are going.

God warned us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, He said: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Our land will be blessed only if we humble ourselves and return to God.

Xikwembu xi mi katekisa(God bless you)