Monday, January 7, 2008

2008, Two thousand and Great

This is a first post for 2008, I would like to welcome everyone and wish you well in this year of greatness and abundance. A lot of people are busy with the sentiment two thousand and great, you can call me a conformer, but I also subscribe to that sentiment.

Apart from greatness, I have also added abundance. When people asked me for my resolutions, I told them; travelling. In order to travel one needs funds, I really don't care where the funds will come from all I know is that there will be a lot of travelling. A friend of mine said travelling is not enough there need to be improvements in all aspects of my life. That's where abundance come from. One needs to enjoy life in abundance.

People will ask, why this year, what makes it different from the other years? It is two thousand and great no one will change that for me. To everyone as we start this beautiful year that has been given unto us by the Almighty God. Let's sing the song; Two thousand and great, the year of greatness and abundance.

Happy new year, to everyone. In the words of my wise friend "I pray that you may live in the perfect will of God in 2008"