Thursday, January 31, 2008


There is a disturbing statement that persist in a lot of us; In my time. We constantly want to go back to the past. The past seems comfortable, the future seems terreble. While we keep ourselves busy with yesterday and tommorrow, our todays just pass without notice. The is precious gift that God has given us the present (NOW).

NOW is the time, Se kunjalo. I have a very special friend who inspires me about living in the present, about enjoying a NOW. Our todays may not be as pleasant as we want them to be, guess what? yesterday was as bad and tommorrow might not come. The only given time we have without a doubt is this day, this hour, this minute and this very second. We need to cherish the NOW, is the only time we have. The present is fading away.

Procastination is the thief that continously steals our todays, our present and our NOW. Living on past mistakes eats away the present. Let's all live in the NOW, when tommorrow comes it will find us still living in the present.